Thank you for being a valued patient and continuing to use the Greener Institute for all your medical cannabis certifications.

We’re dedicated to offering quality care, services, and a new line of THCA and Delta 9 products.

As a thank you, we’d like to offer you a sample of our THCa Flower and Delta-9 Gummies, both 100% legal for adults anywhere in the US, 21 years of age or older. This sample is 100% FREE! We’re even covering the cost of shipping.

To receive your free sample, fill out the consent form below. You’ll be automatically redirected to your product selection, and then the checkout page. Thank you for continuing to choose the Greener Institute, your medical cannabis resource.

Click here for FAQs about THCa and it’s legality

Fill out the following consent form to order your free sample.

Once form is submitted, you will be automatically redirected to the product selection page.