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Doctor, Service and State Fees – $349
A patient care specialist will call to confirm your appointment and collect payment.
At The Greener Institute, we become your advocate with the State from start to finish! Our fee includes:
- Doctor Fee
- PA State Card Fee
- Setting up your account and getting your patient ID number.
- Setting up an appointment with one of our certifying doctors
- Making sure your MMJ PA Card is mailed to your home in a timely manor, usually 5-7 days from your Doctor visit.
- Setting up a Caregiver Card so a friend or family member can help purchase, dose, and cook medical marijuana ($50 admin fee waived)
- Evaluation of your condition along with a recommendation of the different benefits of the strains of cannabis that will help you find relief!
- 34 page educational guide on Cannabis
- Completed list of dispensaries Complete list of dispensaries by county in PA

All fees will be refunded if you’re not certified.
Click to view our Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions
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